Sunday, October 24, 2010

Here's why I am James Cameron's biggest fan!

Folks. What follows are a few tiny facts. Then I throw out a bunch of my own fantasies about how these facts could be affecting events in Hollywood. I’m throwing it out there so you can give me your comments. Also, if you want to pass it on to your Facebook friends, I am okay with that too.
In January the book Last Train from Hiroshima by Charles Pellegrino was published by Henry Holt. Very soon after, it was announced that James Cameron  had purchased the movie rights to the book. Part of the book tells the story of Tsutomu Yamaguchi, the only person recognized by the Japanese government to have survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. 
On March 1st. Henry Holt pulled the book off bookstore shelves. A handful of inaccuracies in the text forced the recall. Although small in number, the integrity of the entire manuscript was in question.
Here’s the fantasy part.
When Cameron bought the movie rights, a tiny shudder went through Hollywood. Avatar had just become the largest grossing movie of all time, with a world-wide box office of $2.7 billion. Cameron’s movies have grossed almost $6 billion world-wide.
Cameron had taken out and used his massive $6 billion stamp of approval and credibility which said, “This is a great untold story.” 
Cameron is known to take a long time making his movies. Perhaps the other directors and producers in Hollywood are thinking that if they can get a movie out about the Manhattan Project  before Cameron’s that they can steal most of Cameron’s box office thunder.
But with the book being pulled off the shelves, does Hollywood get all skittish about the subject matter. I don’t know.
I have an active imagination. Keep your fingers crossed.

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